How does Uplevel calculate Interruptions?
Interruptions represent the cumulative time spent responding to incoming messages on Slack or MS Teams during work time. Interruptions can occur during Deep Work or during Short Fragments.
Brief messages result in a small deduction from Deep Work time. Back-and-forth conversation results in a moderate deduction (and raises Context Switching). If an IC receives a message and does not respond, we do not deduct any time from Deep Work.
- Lisa is heads down working on a PR.
- Joe sends a Slack message to Lisa
- Lisa responds with a message that says "I'll get to this later". Uplevel would not consider this an interruption.
- However, if Lisa had responded with a high character count message and then is pulled into a conversation with Joe over the next 30 mins, Uplevel would categorize this as an interruption for Lisa. This would not be deemed an interruption for Joe as he is instigating the conversation.