Analyzing current vs former employees

When looking at historic trends, it is sometime helpful to focus on current or former employees in the analysis.

The makeup of an organization changes over time as employees join and leave.  When looking at historic trends, it is sometimes helpful to explicitly include or exclude data about former (or current) employees.

For ex.

  • When looking at the Deep Work trend of a team of 5 developers, it might be helpful to only focus on the current employees and filter out team members who are no longer with the company.  This will give a measure of the experience of the current team, and how their personal work experience has been changing.  This focuses on helping the current team at the individual level.
  • When looking at the Deep Work trend of an entire organization, it can be helpful to include data from former employees, as this will give a complete picture of what the organization was experiencing.  This can give the big picture view, even if some of those individuals are no longer with the company.

To include or exclude former employees from a view, create a segment and select the appropriate "Data on former employees" option.

  • To further narrow the filter to focus only on former employees, add a filter on Employment Status to exclude current employees.


The Org page shows a list of exactly which current and former users are included in the current segment. The approximate departure date of former employees is shown, based on when they were removed from the Uplevel connected org chart.



To change whether former employees are included or excluded by default for your organization, please contact