Help your team focus

Learn how to analyze your organization's deep work.


Understand your organization's Deep Work baseline by taking a look at your trends over time. This chart shows you the average time your developers have to focus over the selected time range, along with trends for the top 10 teams.

Use the menu selector to see trends of Meetings, Interruptions, or Fragments. This view makes it easy to spot dips which could correlate to an increased burnout risk.  


Operations Time

This chart breaks down the average time in each type so you can easily see what might be blocking developers from getting enough focus time. 

  • Meetings lets you keep an eye on your organization's meeting health. Too many meetings can impact your developer's ability to focus. 
  • Interruptions looks at your messaging practices and helps you understand if your developers are getting too many focus-breaking pings. 
  • Fragments identify work blocks that are shorter than 2 hours. This usually happens because meetings are sporadically scheduled throughout the day. 
    💡 Tip: to reduce the number of fragments, take a look at your meeting practices. Encourage teams to block off their focus time on their calendars and even consider implementing a no meeting day. 


Top Meeting Categories and Allocation trend

See the breakdown of the top meeting types for your organization. We use the data we gather from your meetings (specifically datapoints like the title, attendees) to determine their overall category. Private meeting events are always excluded from this calculation. 


Breakdown by Group

Understand each team's time and offer support where it's needed most. 

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Individual details where appropriate

Help your teams take action and make the needed improvements to meeting load and interruptions by focusing on where help is needed most.

If your organization has enabled drill-ins to see individual details, these are available where appropriate within your reporting structure.

  • By default, individual level data is visible on those who report up to you.
  • Data about those who don’t report up to you is hidden, and only the team rollup is shown.

To enable these individual details or adjust your privacy settings, contact