Tutorial: Find your team's data using default segments

Scope Uplevel to your team

By default, Uplevel displays a broad overview of your organization. You may want to narrow down to see a subset of that organization. To choose which set of users are included in that selection, click the Segment dropdown at the top left of the screen. 

A segment is a set of users that meet a certain set of criteria. A few examples are:

  • Individuals who report directly to a manager.
  • Individuals who report up to a manager (this goes up the organizational hierarchy to a certain level).
  • Individuals who have a common set of properties that are defined in the organizational chart that comes to Uplevel. For example, the region they work in, or the Scrum team they work on.

There are two promoted segments for easy access - your specific team, as well as your organization's default.

To scope Uplevel to a specific segment, start typing in the Search by segment box to find matches, and then select the desired segment. You can also scroll to find your segment of interest.

Joe Levy has multiple layers of teams reporting up to him. He not only manages a team of individual contributors, but also managers, and managers-of-managers.

To scope to only Joe's direct reports, select Manager: Joe Levy.

To scope to everybody in the organizational hierarchy, select Reports up to: Joe Levy.

💡 Hover over the info icon to see how many members are included in that segment, and preview a truncated list of individuals included.

For details on all individuals included in a segment, click the Users Icon on the left navigation menu. Here you can see properties about the about the individuals included, for example Job Title, who their manager is, etc. These properties come to Uplevel through the organizational chart.

If the default options in the Segment dropdown don't capture the scope of the organization you are looking to understanding, you can create a custom segment see Create a segment.