2024-07-24: Understand Pull Request trends and bottlenecks

Dive into Pull Request trends with new advanced filtering of Cycle Time and PR Throughput

It's now easier to focus where improvements are needed most. New filtering and grouping capabilities provides detailed context about what potential bottlenecks are occurring, and where there might be risk in the teams’ process. 

PR Cycle Time and PR Throughput give an understanding of both velocity and volume.

Velocity: How long pull requests are taking to complete

Volume: How many pull requests are being merged

Compare trends

Group PR Cycle Time by different attributes to compare trends of different attributes such as:

  • By role - is there a difference in cycle time phases between Devs and Senior Devs?
  • By complexity - What's the impact of complex PRs on cycle time?
  • With many more options!

Leverage filters and grouping

  • Identify quality risks [TO DO LINK]
  • Find bottlenecks in the code review process [TO DO LINK]